During a recent visit up to Germany’s North Sea coast, I couldn’t resist but bring along my large format gear to take advantage of wide open spaces and fight against some extremely changeable weather. Here are some impressions of the East Frisian coastline in large format!
Stopping over in Frankfurt en route up north, I took the opportunity to meet some fellow analogue photographers and visit the incredible ‘Sprudelhof’ spa in Bad Nauheim. Join me for a look back in time with plenty of cameras to look at too!
I enjoyed my first large format camera visit to Munich’s Olympic rowing lake so much that I returned a week later, this time with 3 other large format shooters! Join me for more big negative views including some Kodak Ektar sheet film.
This post has it all, city views, smaller quaint towns, and the big Bavarian outdoors. Shot over a few days when my parents visited, here is some of the best that Bavaria has to offer.
Another ‘World in Large Format’ and incidentally more of the Olympic venues in Munich; this time the Olympic rowing lake with a focus on the incredible 50 year old 10,000 capacity stands along with some great weather. Join me for my impressions on Fomapan 100 film.
A Sunday meetup with a couple of fellow large format photographers for a walk around Munich’s Olympic village in search of some old architecture and interesting shots. Here are my impressions.
An overnight stay at the beautiful Spitzingsee sees plenty of water activities and a cable car up to a wonderful mountain pass. Join me for some unforgettable Bavarian views.
Join me for a day trip down to Rosenheim and onto Kufstein in Austria, for a burst of colour, history, and even some black & white shots - this post has it all!
An impromptu Hasselblad photowalk with a friend around Munich one day after work sees fast changing light and classic architecture. Join me for a quick walk around central Munich.
This next post sees an overnight stay in a cabin ontop of a mountain with very changeable weather and lighting. Thankfully I had a roll of trustworthy Kodak Porta 400 to deal with changing conditions.
The next part of this adventure sees a visit to the town of Kempten, followed by a trip into the Bavarian wilderness and finally resting on the top of a cliff for the evening. Join me for more expired film adventures in Bavaria.
My second post in this series sees a visit to Grainau, just under the tallest mountain range in Germany. Today’s chosen film is Ilford FP4, in search of some light and contrast in some gloomy mountain weather.
Our 2 week “explore Bavaria” holiday starts with a walk through the countryside on the edge of the Bavarian Alps, including a visit to the towns of Murnau and Oberammergau. Join me for the first post of many in my new series: “Bavaria on 35mm film”.
After finding a great deal from someone selling his Grandfather’s old Edixa camera, I was eager to take this curious and history packed camera through its paces on a recent trip home to Madrid. Here are my impressions.
I was gifted a roll of Santa Rae 1000 at the end of last year and having let it mature in my fridge for a few months, I took it out for a spin and a review in a photowalk around Nymphenburg Castle, Munich. Join me for a review of this curious new emulsion.
A Saturday morning meet up with fellow large format photographers combined with a fascinating abandoned railway building, what a great combination! Join me for a shootout with the big guns!
A Sunday photowalk around the centre of Munich finds classic cars, architecture, museums, and plenty of strong lighting and shadows. Join me for a black & white journey back in time.
Opting for a crazy early rise looking for foggy views paid off, where I managed to capture old school looking Ilford HP5 shots paired with the wonderful Kodak Portra 800 roll film. Join me for some empty and intriguing neighbourhood shots.
This post sees me heading to the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, with thankfully less climbing involved with the heavy large format gear. I shoot Kodak Ektar 100 film and Ilford FP4, come join me for a leisurely walk around two Alpine lakes.
A large format photo walk around Munich with a fellow large format photographer sees lots of experiments with different apertures, tilt & shift movements, and general good old large format geekiness. Join me for some interesting results!